The St. Louis Integrated Health Network (IHN) is a healthcare intermediary whose members collaborate across institutional boundaries to co-create and advance a common agenda focused on developing solutions that eliminate healthcare disparities by improving the quality, accessibility and affordability of healthcare for St. Louis’ most vulnerable and underserved citizens. IHN’s members represent the vast majority of our region’s safety net healthcare providers including the leaders of local community health centers, hospital systems, academic medical schools, public health departments and other safety net institutions.
IHN anchors and incubates new models of care that reimagine a healthcare system that works equitably for the all St. Louisans by prioritizing the needs of low income patients. As exemplified by collective efforts like the Care Transitions Initiative and Re-Entry Community Linkages, (RE-LINK), IHN’s work focuses on solving complex, systemic healthcare problems related to access and quality with the goal of creating community-wide solutions to the most challenging public health problems of our time. Making safety net services more efficient, effective and equitable for these populations creates the conditions necessary for a stronger, healthier St. Louis.
The IHN, through collaboration and partnership, strives for quality, accessible, and affordable healthcare services for all residents of Metropolitan St. Louis, with an emphasis on the medically underserved.
Our guiding principles reflect our most important organizational commitments. They underscore our priorities and inform the decisions, actions and agendas of our leadership and staff. Practiced with fidelity, these principles help to ensure the alignment of our mission and operations. We hold ourselves accountable to these principles and we seek partners who share our commitments to our principles.
Health Equity • Patient-Centered Orientation • Accountability • Outcome-Focused Decision Making • Innovation

The St. Louis Integrated Health Network
1520 MARKET STREET Suite 4034